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This is extremely terribly attention-grabbing issue I found on web thus I feel I even have to share with you guys we will save ton of memory and if you had lower space in your memory card,hard-drive, or pen drive you’ll use this trick to compress come in an enormous manner.How To Compressor Convert 1GB File In 1MB let me tell you what’s compression after we compress a file or files it merges all the files in one come in high compression rate thus it saves the memory? all the software’s we install in our PC, all of them are compressed if you ever noticed  they need ton of files and conjointly additional memory than the one file setup thus if you would like to merge all files into one file with high compression so you wish to follow this post.
How To Compress or Convert 1GB File In 1MB


  1. Firstly you need to download a software to compress file KGBARCHIVER.
  2. Install it in you computer.
  3. Now just choose the option there compress files and next.
  4. Select archive type keeps it as KGB and then maximum compression level.
  5. then select the files or file to compress.
  6. but one drawback if you select maximumly it will take more time to compress the file just cause it compresses the file very slowly and with high compression rate.


  • Make the Password protected compressed file.
  • Able to create self-extracting archives.
  • Unicode is supported in both User Interface and File Systems.
  • Supports native .KGB files and .Zip files.
  • Multilanguage support like Arabic, German, Greek, Japanese, Spanish many more.

So here is all How To Compressor Convert 1GB File In 1MB follow the steps to do enjoy????.
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