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How To Unjailbreak Any Iphone
How To Unjailbreak Any Iphone
iPhone is my favorite phone so today gonna you How To Unjailbreak Any iPhone some I think 90% of mobile’s are already jailbreak but one worst thing is when you jailbreak your phone you warranty will be void and company never give any claim for your phone or repair etc. so here is one idea with the help of you can jailbreak your phone if you already had jailbreak iPhone this is very easy so here we go follow these simple steps .

How To Unjailbreak Any Iphone:

Note: make sure you already have a backup or backup your iPhone otherwise everything will be deleted.

1. Plug your phone into computer and backup your iPhone.

How To Unjailbreak Any Iphone
How To Unjailbreak Any Iphone
2. To do this, click on the iPhone tab in the upper right. On this screen click on Back Up Now. Do this even if you back up the iPhone to iCloud as a local restore is a better option here.

3. After the backup is a complete look at the Restore iPhone option on the same screen. This will restore the iPhone to factory settings.

4. When prompted choose to restore from a backup and follow the instructions to restore the backup you just made to the iPhone or iPad?

5. Sync the iPhone or iPad with the computer to complete the restore and install the apps and music from before the restore.

This is all About How To Unjailbreak Any iPhone with easy and simple steps.

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